Week 6 DN Letter Formation Dice Toss
x - book g
Click on the DN Letter Formation Dice Toss buttons below to view the DN Letter Formation Dice Toss stations.
Children should not be asked to form book a and book g. These letters are for letter recognition only. If the below Letter Formation Dice Toss station is used, have children just X for the book a and book g when they are rolled.
Station Board
Station Pieces
Lowercase Letter Formation Dice Toss x - book g
Long Form
Short Form
Dice Labels
The other option would be to have the children playdo this Letter Formation station with just the letters they need to learn to form: x, y and z. For this option, use the below Letter Formation Dice Toss station.
Station Board
Station Pieces
Lowercase Letter Formation Dice Toss x - z
Long Form
Short Form
Dice Labels
Note: Dice can be made by cutting, folding and taping the Dice or attaching Dice Labels to 1 inch wooden cubes. The labels shown below can be printed on 1 inch x 2 5/8 inch white mailing labels. These labels can then be cut apart and affixed to the sides of wooden cubes to make a set of dice for classroom use.